My son is a graduate of Santa Clara University and I appreciate every day the education he received there. In truth, I barely visited the campus when he was a student there so lacked an appreciation of how amazing SCU really is. Then, a few years ago, a client we’ve worked with for decades, Jay Colombatto, joined their University’s Marketing and Communications Department and since he landed there he’s brought us in on a number of projects. We’ve so enjoyed our relationship with Jay over the course of his career. He’s given us some of our most fun and creatively challenging projects from a country music video for CoreMark to interactive multimedia for One Touch Learning Systems to virtual tours for Cal State East Bay. It’s been a long and mutually rewarding communications partnership.
So what does that have to do with Claire Booth Luce and STEM? Well, Jay called in August to discuss a video to show at this amazing event. The mid-October event would bring together these top Universities from around the country to present how they were benefitting from the support they receive from the Claire Booth Luce Foundation. Jay and his team wanted a video to be integral to their presentation. We were excited but it was one of the more budget-challenged considering the wish list of his team.
It’s Not About the Money, Money*
We have taken on our share of pet projects for various reasons over the years. From causes we’re passionate about to favors for friends and family to hundreds of great ideas for new television shows…what can I say…it’s in our blood. There are also the favors you do for key accounts and Santa Clara University and, even more so, Jay Colombatto, fall into that category. In this case, there were a lot of other reasons from interesting content to meeting the amazing women we interviewed to learning more about by son’s alma mater.
It was also a relatively simple video to produce. When you interview people that are passionate about what they do and combine that with a powerful underlying theme, it writes itself. Hats off to the CBL Foundation and to SCU that has done so much to promote and support women in STEM. Thank you to my team and to long-term partnerships. Jay’s response to the final video: “A superbly crafted and successful piece!” That’s music to my ears.
*Yep that’s a lyrics from the Jessie J. song of the same name. It was also part of the mash up in Pitch Perfect. Love that movie!